Chapter 24 - I'm Just Searching For You, And Here You Are.

A joyous atmosphere could be felt throughout the two classes James has, as everybody was in anticipation of the birthday party they would be attending this evening.

The two lecturers that taught the two classes felt this atmosphere and were also affected by it even though they don’t know what caused it.

It’s only two people that were not affected by this atmosphere; James and Ruby.

James was not affected by this, because he was too busy planning his day to notice, while Ruby was not affected because she was busy lost in her thought, about what transpired between her and James this morning.

The moment the classes end, everybody began to plan what time they should gather at the restaurant, while James instantly escaped.

‘I will call Ayra to inform me what time they arrive,’ he thought.

James does not notice the two pairs of eyes that were staring at him as he left the classroom filled with people.

One was filled with yearning and affection while the other was filled with wi
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