32. Agenda?

When I meet him the next morning so he could give me a ride to school, Gerald profusely apologizes for not taking my calls.

“I am really sorry, Jace. I left my phone at the office before going home and missed a bunch of calls, along with yours. Are you okay? Did something happen? Was there an emergency?”

I blush at his questions. My idiotic actions had left him worried about me, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

“No, Gerald, no, there were no issues. I just wanted to have some conversation,” I scuff the floor with my feet, feeling mortified. But I somehow spit out the next part of the explanation, “Just wanted some companionship, I guess. You know how the house is at night.”

Gerald’s eyes soften with something akin to parental concern.

“I’m sorry, Jace,” he mutters, but I brush it off.

“No, it’s fine. I was just a bit shaken from what happened that evening, which, by the way, I need to notify you about.”

That does the trick as Gerald sits ramrod straight, his eyes focused. I
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