Chapter 31: "You're not Melissa Hollow, are you?"

"You're not Melissa Hollow, are you?"

Con watched as the lady in his arms did an effortless twirl and turned back to face him with a smirk on her face.

"Did I ever say I was?"

The lady's voice sounded smooth in Con's ears and despite the fact that she was practically an imposter and not the person he was supposed to be dancing with at the moment, she still exudes this effortless charm that didn't make him as annoyed as he should have been.

He had just spent the past fifty minutes socializing with a woman that wasn't Melissa Hollow!

And it seemed this lady had also been content enough with misleading him.

She had even asked him to dance with her, twirling a strand of her ebony colored hair in her fingers and batting her eyes at him while at it.

He thought he had been making actual progress with Melissa, but then Jane had appeared in his field of vision, in the arms of another man, and she had mouthed the words "She's not Melissa" to him.

That was actually a few seconds ago.

The lady wh
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