Chapter 14 Little Girl

The sound of musical instruments playing beautifully, the girls dancing gracefully, performing their beautiful dances in front of the people of the Phasiarova Kingdom.

In the second carriage stage row, the mages made a blockade protecting a large mound forming a pyramid. The pyramid mound is the offering of products that will later be distributed to the people.

On the stage line of the last train. A pair of holy mages and evil creatures that the holy mage pair must defeat, to protect the offerings of the earth's produce.

Galerna plays a man wizard, wearing a white inner robe covered with a long blue-striped outer robe, where the lines form a collection of clouds.

Not when accessories add to the luxury of clothing. A gold belt is pinned at the waist, and a gold-plated crown is enough to make Galerna a headache, because of the heavy burden. Her charming facial features were covered by a beautiful smiling mask. In her hand she held the sword 'Tener Serena' which gleamed beautifully, as bright as the stars in the night sky.

Hannah plays a witch. Hannah's appearance this time was not only beautiful but the real queen figure.

Hannah's jet black hair was in a slightly slanted braid, a beautiful shimmering tiara pinned to her head. The clothes Hannah was wearing were a little different. A red dress covered in an outer robe and a beautiful flowing scarf wrapped around her waist. The trinkets shimmered from top to bottom, all the jewels sparkling beautifully if Hannah wore them.

Pearl earrings decorated with black bird feathers, a necklace around Hannah's neck, in the center was not a pendant, but a bird flapping its wings. Hannah also wears a white mask, red lips smiling, and a red cloud engraving on the top of the mask.

On the other side, the figure of an evil being from the underworld. The dark robe held a long scythe-like an angel of death, two horns sticking out of his head. The slightly bulky body was just a costume that a senior disciple of the Phasiarova Kingdom was playing. Body slightly large, dark-robed. From the shoulders to the feet, everything was like a normal human, only the head was like a wolf, with a long snout and sharp fangs adding to the eeriness.

The parade ride was so lively. All the people of the Phasiarova Kingdom overflowed on the roadside, more than the stalls of traders on the roadside selling various trinkets related to the Heaven Earth Blessing Festival.

The first stop of the parade is at the second point, the capital Rova. The parade, which was performed by the holy magician couple defeating the holy magician couple, defeated the evil creatures from the underworld, to protect the products that would be given to the people of the Phasiarova Kingdom. One by one the magicians tried to protect the crops. The army of mages was so valiant carrying swords and holding shining shields.

Without further ado, Galerna started to attack first, Tener Serena's blade aimed at the evil creature, holding Tener Serena down with her long scythe. Another hand let out sharp claws at Galerna and dodged, the evil creature's sharp claws entangled in a stream of lightning. And emit magic energy. Sparks of lightning clashed with magic energy. The entanglement loosened and a large palm hit Hannah's chest.

Galerna quickly took control of the situation, the other hand delivered a punch that sent the evil being dragged two meters away. Gives Galerna and Hannah space to fight again.

This incident should not have happened, this parade attraction was beyond Galerna's estimation. The battle witnessed by the people of the Phasiarova Kingdom seemed real. Galerna glanced at Hannah who was holding her chest. Even though she couldn't see the beautiful face because she was wearing a mask, Galerna could feel that Hannah was enduring the pain from the blow.

This is out of bounds. Galerna didn't care about the Earth Heaven Blessing Festival parade anymore.

What is this? How could the role of an evil being played by a disciple of the Phasiarova Kingdom make such a fatal mistake? Galerna could not accept it. However, a soft hand touched Galerna's wrist. Glancing at Hannah's eyes through the slits of the mask's two holes near the eyes.

'Galerna, stay professional. I'm fine.'

Skip mind telepathy. Hannah's soft voice soothed Galerna. 'Are you sure?' asked Galena from behind the telepathy of thought.

'I'm leaving for a bit.'

Without saying a word or explaining. Hannah just walked away, leaving the carriage stage. Thousands of pairs of eyes stared in amazement to see the women wizard leaving the stage of the carriage.


Something so sacred and sacred had to be messed up just like that. People were starting to get angry, shouting at the parade which was so chaotic, blaming the evil creature for doing too much of a blow to the women wizard.





The commotion and shouts of cursing grew uncontrollable. At first, Galerna was also angry at the carelessness of the evil creature, but it seems for now Galerna feels a little sorry. It's true what Hannah said. Galerna had to stay professional, taking the chaotic show under control again.

Galerna was ready to fight alone, her blade raised. Understanding the signal from Galerna, the cast of evil creatures also returned to the show.

There was the sound of the neighing of horses and carts being pushed, not only that. A rumbling sound pierced through the crowd of onlookers.

A cart pulled by a horse is out of control. Crashed into a crowd of people watching the parade show. Screams of pain and cursing occurred again but were not shown to the cast of evil creatures, but to a fat person who was pulling the reins of a horse.

Galerna caught a glimpse of a tiny red figure clinging tightly behind the back of a fat person. It seems that there is chaos going on and Galerna's heart is always moving to help.

Leaving the carriage stage leaving only the evil creatures behind. All pairs of eyes were as surprised as the Phasiarova Royal family who were watching the parade performance when the women wizard actor left, this time the male wizard left the stage of the horse carriage just like that.

Galerna flew so fast, like the wind. His eyes could see the fat man tugging at the tiny red figure on the back. The tiny red figure turned out to be a little girl. In one tug, the little girl no longer hugged the back of the fat man's neck.

To his horror, the fat man's big hand tightly strangled the little girl's neck with only a large palm. Lifting the little girl who was moaning in pain, couldn't breathe and her eyes were bloodshot so that at any time the eyeballs could pop out of the eye sockets.

Galerna landed smoothly on the wagon. Galerna's appearance surprised the fat man and the fat man's other hand clenched into a big fist about Galerna, Galerna's hand opened and sent magic energy. In one hard blow, bouncing the fat man's massive body that was thrown into the air, the fat man landed on a merchandise stall that collapsed from the heavy impact.

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