Chp 14 - CAC Chairman

“Did he just say, leader?”

Zach whispered to Collins as Mathew rushed off to Damianus’ side.

“No, you must have heard him wrong” Collins replied as he gave Mathew a once-over, dismissing him as someone unimportant. His parents had never mentioned the hornrimmed man who looked more like a schoolteacher before after all.

“I am so sorry” Mathew begged Damianus when the latter said “It took you long enough”

“I was standing at…” he knew he shouldn’t talk about the door that the supernaturals passed into the venue because of the present company so he merely repeated “I am sorry. I stood at the wrong place” then he sized up the situation on the ground and asked, “Is everything alright?” With his eyes on Ashton’s confused face, he asked “Did anybody disrespect you?”

“Well, I was about to be carried like a sack of Jicama and dumped on the sidewalk” Damianus answered with a drawl.

“Ji…what? What is he talking about? I told you he is weird” Sybil whispered to Laura, who shushed her as she won
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