Chp 16 - Feel Good

Damianus accepted Michael’s suggestion that his rare white hair should probably be dyed to avoid any targeting from others and his mode of dressing would need to change as well. Not to something so extravagant of course since he would be applying for the position of a gardener.

They have already responded to the gardener advert as Sky helped Damianus with the use of the gadget called a cellphone.

They received an instant reply that asked Damianus to come in the following morning to report to the Macmillan's butler for screening.

Sky offered to go shopping with Damianus because he knew where all the good stuff was and Michael offered him his card when they were leaving the following day.

“Only as a loan” Damianus insisted.

“I will repay you one day. After all, I am a working-class man now” Damianus said with a smile and Michael agreed. He had no intention of collecting the money back but he understood that the leader felt the need to pay his way and he respected that.

The first place
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