Love/Death and Demons
Love/Death and Demons
Author: Harloke

Why me, what did I do wrong, what terrible sin did I commit to end up here, thought Connor while bleeding out on his floor

10 years ago...

Connor was a kid, what you could say was born under a bad star. When Connor was young his father died in a work accident, being overtaken by the loss of her husband Connors mom started to drink and would abuse Connor and his little brother James, when she couldn't take it anymore, she went to the tallest bridge and jumped off killing herself. After that Connor and James moved around from foster home to foster home and sometimes on the street, because he had to support him, and his brother Connor focused on his studies so he could get into a good school so they would not have to suffer anymore. Getting to the top of his class Connor gained a scholarship to Harvard, because it was far away from his old home Connor thought that he could start his life and live a new one. Little did he know how wrong he was going to be, on the first day of college some of the upperclassmen found out about Connors past and would torment him throughout his first year of college. During his second year Connor finally saved enough money to rent a cheap apartment and bring James to live with him. One day when Connor was at school, he met this girl Annebelle, the only girl that was nice to him and treated him like an equal. After talking to her for months Connor built up the courage to ask her out, and to his shock she said yes. After dating for a while Connor started to realize that she would treat him differently, she would treat him like a money bag, would not let him hold her hand, and anytime he wanted to go on a date she would always have something to do.

Then one day out of the blue she asked him to have sex with her. Excited by the thought Connor started to ignore the shitty way she treated him. On the day they were supposed to meet up they went on a date and did all the things that Connor wanted to do as a couple. Later that night they went to Connors apartment.

"Are you sure Annabelle" asked Connor while taking his clothes off

"Yes, Connor take me" Annabelle said opening her arm to be in braced

Getting closer to her Connor and Annabelle spent their first night together. The next day when Connor woke up, he could not find Annabelle anywhere, thinking that she just went to school early. Connor also got ready and went to school. When Connor got to school, he noticed that Annabelle was crying in the arms of one of the people that would torment Connor, Mike. Asking what wrong Connor was shocked when Annabelle looked at Connor with disgust.

" How dare you show your face here after what you did," said Mike

"What are you talking about, and let go of Annabelle" Connor said angrily

"Oh, why so you could rape her again," said Mike

"What the hell are you talking about I never raped her" Connor said confused

"Okay so you're a liar and a rapist' Mike said getting pissed of

"You know I used to make your life hell because I didn't have anything better to do, but I didn't think that you would do something like this" he also said

" Annabelle what is he talking about get away from him" Connor said reaching his arms out to her

"GET AWAY FROM ME" she screamed holding on tighter to mike

"Now you try to touch her again, Zack, Kevin beat this bastard's ass" Mike said while he two friends started to beat up Connor

leaving him in a bloody pulp they all left the class, not able to take it anymore Connor ran home and locked himself in there. Later that day his brother James came home, going to the living room to meet him Connor was shocked when James punched him in the face.

"How the fuck could you do something like that" James said clenching his fist

"Wait don't tell me you also think that I did that, please you got to believe me I didn't do it " Connor said slowly getting up

" Everyone even Annabelle is saying you did it" James said packing his bags

"Where are you going" asked Connor

"Away from you don't call or text me I'm staying with one of my friends don't try to find me, don't tell anybody that you know me you sick bastard." James said while slamming the door.

Locking himself in his room in the dark Trevor stayed there for the next 2 days. On the third day Connor heard an explosion outside moving to the window to see what saw happening. Connor was shocked to see part of the city on fire and Military helicopters in the air. Turning on his tv Connor turned to the news to see that a meteor had crashed into the city and was turning people into man-eating monsters.

"Zombie this can't be possible" Connor thought of turning off his Tv. While trying to process everything Connor heard a knock on his door. Going to his door he could see that it was a couple, a guy and a girl, they were begging Connor to open up the door to let then in. Being naive and not caring what happens to him anymore Connor opened the door, and to his shock the man pulled out a knife and stabbed Connor in the stomach.

"Hurry up and take everything before the monsters come" the man said to the woman

Leaving Connor to bleed out the two people took all his stuff and left a few minutes later Connor could hear the sounds of moans coming down the hall. Feeling absolute fear Connor was four zombies walked into his apartment. looking at Connor like a free meal they walked up to him and started to feast on his body. After losing so much blood Connor could only lay there while he was eaten alive.

"Why me what did I do wrong, what terrible sin did I commit to end up here, I swear no matter what I will get my revenge on the people what caused my life a living hell" Connor said while bleeding out on his floor

When Connor opened his eyes, he was laying down on hot rocks. Not wanting to be burned Connor got up only to then realize that his wounds were gone and so were the zombies. Looking around where he was Connor would only see what he would assume to be hell, large pits a lava, jagged mountain, the sky was red and at the peak of on the Mounties was a purple cloud, all around you could hear the agonizing screams of people being burned alive and the screeches of animals flying in the air, but these were nothing that Connor has ever seen before.

"Where the hell am I," said Connor

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