While Brenda left, Derek utilized the opportunity to reach Sonia once more, just as he was about to, his phone rang equally.

It was Sonia calling. "Gracious goodness! Sonia, where the heck were you the whole of yesterday? I called your lines, all were switched off, I tried reaching you, all to no avail."

"Where the heck were you?"

"Umm, I'm really sorry Mr Brook…i…had some compl."

She was about explaining her awful ordeal, but he cut her midway. "Hey, just let that slide now, leave that aside, there are a lot of important things you need to take charge of right now!"

"Anything Mr Brook, I'm always at your service." She told excitedly, gladened with the fact hat he never took her incompetence overboard.

"Right now, I need you to sign the Reid's group for a partnership in the theme Park construction scheme."

"Yes boss, but how's that possible? None of their representatives are around."

"My wife, she came around yesterday."

"I'll do that Mr Brook, but she's not even here and I do not h
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