1st June, 2018

The chirping of the bed kept ringing in his ears as he slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a different place. For a moment he closed his eyes and tried to remember where he was or why he was here and that was when the memories came flashing back, the memories of his family wanting him dead.

The creaking of the door made him jolt and his eyes traveled to the door and there he was standing, the man that hit him with his car that night.

“You are finally awake” came the man’s deep husky voice as he walked up to Nick who was still surprised looking at him.

“Where is this place?” Nick asked, the man’s face looked familiar but he couldn’t fathom where he heard his voice or saw his face.

“Nick Furgesson” the man muttered and sat opposite him as a smile appeared on his face, “I didn’t know I would meet you in such a way,fate” he added.

“Who are you?”

“Someone you know and you should be sorry towards” the man replied.

A look of confusion appeared on Nicky’s face but the man chuckled before extending his hand for a shake,

“Fray Raymond” he added and it dawned on Nick. This was Fray Raymond, his father’s business rival and biggest enemy. This man was feared by all and was also a very rich man who dealt with the largest automobile industry in America and beyond but the enmity between him and Gregory Furgesson was an old tale.

He was already fifty years old but he looked younger than his age and the aura from him was too hard to ignore, he was a man who commanded respect wherever he went and even now, Nick couldn’t deny the fact that this man was a real deal.

“Should I have left you to die?seeing the way you help your father to take down others”

Nick sighed, this was the same man that lost twenty billion dollars to them because of a business and everything was made possible because of Nick, he was working for his father but he didn’t know they would turn back and bite him hard on the ass.

“Why was one of the heirs to the Furgesson conglomerate running on the road two nights ago?” Fray asked again and Nick kept looking at him without saying anything like he was coming up with a plan.

“You hate Gregory Furgesson right?” He asked out of the blue and the 50 year old man raised his brows in interest.


“This is a personal matter but I want to give you a promise fray, I will help you take back the twenty billion dollars that was taken from you and twenty percent interest”

Fray sat up in amazement, was the son of his biggest enemy trying to make a deal with him?

“Are you trying to make a deal with me?”

“You can call it what you want fray, just take my words for it”

“I know you are trying ask for my help because nothing good comes easy, what do you want Nick?”

Nick slowly climbed down from the bed and he moved closer to the south window and began to stare out the window, the garden was pretty with a lot of flowers and it looked well kept.

“I need one billion dollars from you” he finally spoke without looking back, he already made up his mind and nothing was going to change it.

Fray scoffed and stood up before walking towards Nick who’s eyes were still glued to the pretty garden.

“Do you think I am your father who has a lot of cash to throw away?” He asked in a more serious tone.

“You will do anything to dethrone him right?” He asked back.

A knock on the door made the two of them turn to the door and a young looking girl entered, she was the same age with fedora but she looked less intimidated than fedora who always looked scared.

“My daughter” fray announced.

“Mr Ezekiel has come to see you, father” she announced and walked out of the room not sparing Nick any glance.

“She looks fearless”

“Very” he replied and smiled a little before his face turned serious again, “ I will consider your offer”

“What do you want In return?” Nick asked back, he knew nothing goes for nothing.

“Marry my daughter” Fray dropped the bombshell and for a moment the two men were speechless until Nick began to laugh.

“Why?” He asked, “you are just going to throw your daughter into a loveless marriage?she doesn’t need a man like me fray. Ask for something more profitable”

“Marry her and I will give you two billion dollars, it is a contract marriage and no love is needed between the two of you, I won’t even advise it. I have my personal reasons, think about it and get back to me” he added before casually strolling out of the room leaving nick thinking.

His family wanted him dead, this man wanted him to get into a loveless marriage?what in hell’s name was actually happening?

Still in his train of thought, the door creaked open and the girl entered again, this time she looked more intimidating and her aura was just like her father. It was like she was not scared of whatever this man was.

“What do you want?” Nick asked immediately.

“Like my father just said, it is contract marriage and we are both not interested in each other. I already did my homework so you don’t have to worry, I just need your last name and I will help you anyhow I can”

She talked like a professional and Nick really wanted to know what she was up too.

“Who are you?” He asked again to be sure.

April ” she carefully replied and he was shocked beyond belief, this was the world’s biggest hacker that caused the world to shake for a two billion dollar scam she did and no one was able to find her after all this years, how did such a young lady do that?

“Suprised huh?” She scoffed, “just agree to the request and you have my loyalty for life” she added and left before he could even say anything.

If he wanted to actually bring down Gregory Furgesson, he needed all the help and support he could get and he was not going to let any slip out of his hand, if entering the contract marriage could boost his chances, then he was willing.

He was still standing by the window when he felt fray walk back to the room and the whole time he felt the man’s gaze at the back of his head,

“I am guessing you have already talked with her” he said lowering himself on the sofa from earlier.

“You realize that if I become your son in law, it is just for namesake right?we can never share a relationship” he said as a matter of fact.

“You need my wealth and I need you to just protect my daughter that is all, you don’t need to do anything more than that” fray answered.

Nick finally turned and walked up to him before sitting in front of him, “this deal, you must keep it a secret. I will reveal it when I want and everything I ask from you I have to get it if you want your daughter to remain hidden as a hacker” his voice sounded like he was threatening him but in the real sense, he didn’t trust anyone not after when his own family betrayed him.

“Very well then, son in law” feat answered and tossed a document towards him, “you can sign it, anything you want I will help you with” he added.

Nick picked it up and opened it, he glanced it for a while before dropping it back on the bed. The rules were clearly written, he just needed to give her the Furgesson last name and in return he would get any help he wanted from Fray Raymond including half of his assets.

“I have one final request though”

“Spill it” fray urged.

“Don’t interfere with how I want to live and let your daughter know that she is free to do anything she pleases, I have no rights on her. I am just your son in law and nothing more.

“Don’t get over yourself Nick Furgesson, you don’t have to say that over and over again” April chipped in as she entered back into the room.

Nick smiled, she was smart and he liked it.

“Give me a few years and I will be back to take you as my wife, for now the Nick Furgesson that the world knew is dead” his voice sounded distant but the two people understood what he meant, his voice was laced wind bitterness and anger, he wanted revenge and he would get it from everyone and anyone who ever betrayed him.

“Very well then, it is settled”

Arold extended her hand and gave him a chip.

“What is this?” He asked.

“Two billion dollars” she replied, “last but not the least, thank you” she added and left the two men to themselves.

“I will be counting on you, Nick Furgesson” fray added before following his daughter.

Nick was left alone with the chip containing two billion dollars, he could leave now and decide not to come back but he knew he had too.

Sighing he stood up and moved closer to the closet, the adventurous part of his life wa about to start.


In a few hours, Nick Furgesson was on the next flight to the shores of Africa.

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