Sitting at the back of his Lamborghini with his wife, Fedora kept looking at the woman without saying anything but curiosity was written all over her face. She was no longer in her house where she would not talk unless spoken to but Nick had promised these two women the world if they both stick with him. A lot of questions were in her mind but even her brother was not there to answer if for her, he took another vehicle and allowed the two of them to ride it.

“You can ask your questions,” April said, not bothering to look up from her laptop, she was typing away so fast and Fedora wondered if she was even human.

“I really don’t have any questions, '' she answered but the tone of her voice sounded like it was a lie, she had a lot of questions but the upbringing she received from her family made it hard for her to say a word. She didn’t know if her brother’s wife would treat her like how her family did.

Sighing, April closed her laptop and turned towards her.

“In this world fedora, don’t be afraid to speak, don’t be afraid to ask questions or people will bully you. Be the boss of your own and never be afraid because your brother has promised you the world and I know he will give it”

“He is literally not my brother” she muttered under her breath but April heard her and a tiny smile formed on her face.

“He won’t consider you his sister if you had also joined your family to destroy him”

The words flowed eloquently out of her mouth and once again, Fedora who was not much older than her was stunned. Seems like she was the only one on earth whose family turned into a mute molt.

“Why did you marry him?” she asked out of the blue and April smiled again, this time harder.

“Not certainly out of love but because we both want to help each other, that is enough questions for now fedora, let me finish my work”

“Hmmm” she nodded and focused her attention on the road ahead.

A car was driving ahead of them and it was filled with Nick’s bodyguards which made her smile for a split second. The moment her brother ran out of the house that night, she knew he would come back successfully and more vengeful. Seeing the way he even openly declared war on the family he once knew as his own, she wasn’t even surprised.

Some men would take a lot of time just to make a name for themselves but five years was enough for Nick Furgesson to come back to the Furgesson mansion a self made man and he even had a wife who seemed to be in support of his revenge plan. The man who was also a part of the success of the Furgesson empire has vowed to destroy them all and Fedora was not in the least bothered because she has seen how her family operates.

“In this life fedora, never underestimate the power of a betrayed heart, it spits venom” April’s voice filtered into her ears and she turned to look at the woman but she was still typing away frantically on her laptop.

Smiling, Fedora focused her attention on the road again. Her boring days were about to be over.


Nick’s eyes were closed and his head was on the car headrest when the phone in his Breast pocket vibrated. Sighing he took it out and it was his father in law calling.

“Father in law” he said the moment he pressed the receive button.

“I have arranged an interview for you with the Kyla perry show, it is scheduled to hold tomorrow. I believe it will be of help now that you are back in town”

Nick sighed again, on one hand was his fake father who wanted him dead for reasons he had not yet found out and on the other was his father in law who wanted to help him at all cost because he married his daughter. In the end, everyone was gaining something from him.

“Okay father, thank you”

“Good” Fray replied and disconnected the call

The look on Nick's face did not go unnoticed by his bodyguard and he turned toward him.

“Should we perhaps take a stop somewhere?” Ashley, his best bodyguard asked.

“Tell the car in front to go straight home and let us make a stop at Saint Teresa orphanage”

“Yes boss” Ashley replied and began to say something into his Bluetooth,

He had worked for Nick for two years and he knew exactly the kind of person that big guy sitting at the back was, he was not to be messed with.

Taking another look at the traffic up ahead, the driver swerved and took another lane.

The drive to the orphanage was a smooth one, Nick didn’t say a word to anyone and kept his eyes closed the whole time because he had a lot of things on his mind,

When he boarded that flight to Africa five years ago, he knew that was the best decision he had made his whole life. He traveled far into the shores of Morocco and started life afresh, with just two billion dollars he was able to make a name for himself and gain the respect of the people there and now here he was. Seated at the back of his Audi car and having zillions wasting away in his accounts. If he didn’t hear his family’s conversations that night, maybe he would have still been a son who was treated as a helper with only a few millions in his account.

“We have arrived sir” he heard a voice from a distance and he jolted back to reality.

He was now in front of the orphanage where he was adopted and he had his father in law to thank, he had helped him to find out the place when he was in Africa.

“Should I go in and summon the workers?” Ashley asked.

“I will go In myself” he replied and climbed out of the car slowly, his eyes drinking in the sight of the environment.

The building looked old and it was like it was hardly taken care of. An old man was seated by the security post and he looked tired.

Balling his hand into a fist, Nick began to advance toward the building. Today he had to find out who his real parents were.

“Hello sir” the security man greeted as soon as he saw Nick, he couldn’t deny that the man looked fearless and had a dark aura emanating from him.

“I am here to see the person in charge of this place” Nick replied in his usual cold tone.

“You are right on time, there are hardly any kids left. Maybe you can convince the old nun to finally go back to her family. We have just a few kids and no one seemed to be interested in adopting children anymore, I have told her several times to have them taken to other orphanages but she declined saying the parents specifically placed the lives of their children in her hands” he kept saying as he unlocked the huge gate.

That piqued Nick’s interest, that meant his parents were the ones who brought him there himself.

“Did you say the parents bring the kids themselves?” He inquired again to be sure” and the old man nodded.

“She is inside,” he added.

Hastily, Nick took fast strides into the house and truthfully the old lady was seated there and a few kids were sitting around her, she seemed to be telling them a story.

“You have a visitor Aunty” the kid who seemed to be the oldest announced Nick’s arrival and everyone turned to look at him,

“Uncle please adopt me” some of the kids began to say and he smiled awkwardly.

“I am here to see you” he gestured pointing to her and the old nun smiled before dismissing the kids.

“Have a seat my son, the kids can be a bit desperate at times” she added, still smiling.

Nick found himself going to sit opposite her and she continued to smile at him.

“You don’t look like a man who is in need of adopting a child, why are you here my son? '' She was already old so her voice was a bit cracky but Nick could tell she was a good person.

“I am in search of answers” came his response and the lady raised a brow at him in confusion.

“What kind of answers”

“I am Nick” he finally said, “Nick Furgesson”

And just like that, he saw the old lady’s face lit up and a bright smile appeared on her face.

“Oh my child, I didn’t know I would be seeing you in this lifetime again. It has been years but I can never forget that name, how are your parents?” She asked lovingly.

“That is why I am here, I really want to know who my real parents are”

Then like the way the smile appeared on her face, he saw fear. Real fear like she was scared of something and he could notice that her mind wandered off.

“Aunty” he had to call a few more times before she came back from her trail of thoughts.

“I do not know anything about your parents, my boy, you were sitting in front of the orphanage one morning and we took you in. You stayed here until the Furgessons adopted you”

That was when Nick knew she was lying, the security man just told him the parents brought the kids themselves so why was she lying?

“ I am really in need of this information now ma, I am desperate. I want to find them please” truthfully his voice was laced with desperation but it seemed the old lady already had her mind made up.

“I can’t really tell you anything my son” she answered and quickly stood up to leave, one could notice she was really scared.

“Are you hiding something?” Nick asked, halting her.

“You should leave now and tell your father I said Hi” she answered swiftly and disappeared into the inner room leaving Nick all alone.

Why was she lying and why was she scared?Was someone threatening her? A lot of questions were on his mind as he stepped out of the building.

“Did you get what you came for?” The security asked again.

On a second thought he walked closer to the man, “ Do you by chance know Nick Furgesson?” He asked and the man’s countenance changed.

“That name sounds familiar but I can’t pinpoint it, I am old now you see”

Now he was sure that something was wrong somewhere, the two of them were lying to him and he could feel it in his heart.

“I will be back tomorrow” saying that he turned around and left but he could feel the gaze of the security man on his back. Something was definitely wrong and no one was telling him anything, was this secret related to the Furgessons or was it another whole story on its own.

As the car zoomed away, he caught sight of the old lady staring down at his car from her window.

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