Turned White

.Six days later.

Cammilo paced the seashore with rage, staring at the roaring waves with anger. A boy ran towards him.

"S..Sir. We didn't find anything" the boy said trying to catch his breath.

"Don't you bloody tell me that!" Camillo bursted.

"That is the same thing you've been saying for the past six days! How can the body disappear like that?" He yelled running his hands through his hair in frustration. He'd expected the body to be washed to the sea shore.

The boy was speechless. Immediately a man came walking to them. Si

"Sir, We weren't able to find anything" he said. sai

"Don't give me that Frederick! Keep searching!" Camillo yelled.

"You know I don't take no for an answer" he said.

"May I ask who the lady is to you" Frederick asked.

"I..I just wanted to know sir. T..To be candid. I..I don't think we would be able to locate the body cause there was a storm five days ago" He ratted out in one breath. He was intimidated by the hideous stare Camillo was giving h
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