Crackling forest!

"Lance what do we do?" Glenda queries him, fear in her face as they stood with the rest of the students and observed Jodge advance with the dragon. The whole place had turned into a hysteria with students running Helter skelter as demons chased them about and Wiccan staff casted spells to no avail.

"We have to head over to the forefront. If Jodge and the demon wants the blue wand then they should come get it, at least we will distract them from every one"

Glenda nodded along with the rest of the team and they went after Jodge and called to him, distracting him from the students, and towards the forest.

Jodge rose and floated , his eyes never dimming from the blue pulse it emitted. "I need my wand Lance" His voice once more was distorted, a shrill blend of boy and demon . He sped forward towards Lance, and the dragon aimed at them with hot blue flames.

Lance and the others bolted in fear.

He was joined in his escape by Liam, Glenda, and Mara.

Jodgge floated calmly, observing the
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