Chapter 11

The text Alonso got was from his lover, ex-lover Lyra. The tingling feeling he got in his stomach when he saw the text made him feel as though he had made a grave mistake by accepting Perry's offer as the feeling he had for her was still fresh.

Despite the happiness he felt, he tried to control his emotion and make sure his emotions were in check at their best before meeting her

She had sent a text that they meet up, as she claimed she had something important to say to him. It was already past nine, and his leaving would arouse suspicion from Perry and the guards around, so he sneaked out successfully to meet up with Lyra

As he approached the venue they were supposed to meet, he began having second thoughts about proceeding with the meet-up. His heart died a million times, as he remembered the night Lyra broke up with him, and the thought of James in her made the matter worse and his head was so messed up that he decided to back off.

“Are you about to leave? I thought you just arrived
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