It was a bright new day and Frank was in Mr. Rowan's office as they discussed his inheritance.

“ You see, Frank, I have told you the best thing to do, but you are too scared to act. Why?” Mr. Rowan asked.

Frank clasped his palms against his face and replied to him,“ Sir, this is too hard for me to do. How can I kill that innocent man?”

The truth is Frank was scared to kill his father's lawyer because he was someone in the top position in the country.

This states that it would be hard for him to end this man's life and not be caught. Moreover, he wasn't used to this, and drafting out a better plan and doing it without being caught will be tough.

“ What do you mean by that?” Mr. Rowan frowned.“ Why was it so easy for you to order for your biological brother to be killed, but you can't kill this man that you aren't related to?”

“ Sir,” Frank called out.“ The truth is I hated Fernando and I never wanted him to inherit our father's assets. That's why I didn't think twice before doing it.
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