Chapter 9

(The Secrets We Keep.)

"My love, I am going to the study to take care of some business ventures."

"Sure darling."

Isdabella replied looking out the window. She was already living in the evening to come.

Saint stood and went to his study, where he would read those history books that were like comics to him. He had lived in the past eras, so he found it funny how wrong the human account of written history was. He would leave Terry and Isdabella alone to do what women did best, decorate and plan how to spend even more of his money.

It was dark when Saint emerged from his man cave and he was not sure he was in the same house. In wonderment, he looked around the large living room. Vases of flowers had taken up every available surface, bright ribbons were hung around the room, and the long dinner table was loaded with trays of juice pitchers, cups, cooked and baked goodies. Candles burned in every corner from the candle holders. He was in another dimension, the dimension of females only. He
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