A memory

πŸ’“πŸ’— Beautiful

Mystery πŸ’“πŸ’—

( Oceana )

By: Ukinebo Glory

Episode 44

Leo's Pov;

" What's your plan?" Mitchell asked me

I grinned and turned to her.

" Just sit back and watch" I told her.

She rolled her eyes, obviously not satisfied with the response she got.

" You don't give me that. I want to know what you have in mind - what are you planning?" she asked again

I heaved

"Oh, Mitchell! Alright, what are you also planning?. I know you're trying to get back at his girlfriend" I said huskily

" By his girlfriend, you mean that bitch" she asked and I nodded.

She sighed and flipped her hair to the side.

" Well, I've got nothing for now. Although, Lily and Cindy asked me to do things a little differently"

" What do you mean?" I asked

" oh, Leo! Are you gonna tell me or not?" she shrieked

" The Contest is in few weeks time; you'll get to know what I'm planning when the time comes" I told her

" Meaning you can't tell me" she asked, puzzled.

I sighed and shifted away fro
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