

The loud sound of banging on the table made the emaciated man sitting on the witness chair almost jump in surprise.

"Ouch, Gosh"

Rina stood with wide eyes, trying to hold back her anger which still hovering at her head. She and Luk almost fell into a ditch while chasing the ugly man in front of them now, luckily, after struggling to chase him for tens of kilometres they finally managed to catch him.

"Don't lie, there was a camera that saw you there at the time of the incident, you can also be seen pointing your cell phone camera at the scene of the crime, look at this" Rina exclaimed holding out a large photo of a man standing on a bridge holding his cell phone in front of his face in the direction where the blind spot of the street camera where the vehicle Phil was allegedly driving hit a pedestrian.

The man frowned at the photo of himself, he scratched his head.

"Oh, it's been a long time, how can I remember that?"

Rina almost kicked the man's chair if it wasn't for Luk hold
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