Act of Terror

We are now sitting in the table. All the visionaries key members are here except Mr. Scar face.

" How long we need to confine , Mr. Scarface?" Dean with deep concern in his voice.

"It was never my plan to confine him for a long time. I will release him before dinner." Checking the statistical data in my hand.

" Thankfully, we are already prepared this base before Atheos attack us." Mr. Mechanic who also serious in studying the statistical data. " One thing make me worried about. How Gen. Smile know our location. The firepower he brought with him. A clear message that he never intent to let us , live.Sparing no one."

"What are trying to say? There a possible spy among us?" Dean nervous voice.

I just feel silent. Waiting for Mr. Mechanic to continue. Watching the reactions of other men on the table.

" I mean it is not the first time. We should not forget what happened to Mr. Bartender. Thinking about the possibility of spies among us, give me chilling effect. It sometimes make m
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