The Ceremony
The next day had come on so fast; on Toda’s door was a knock.

“Forgive me sir, its Oliver the butler of the royal house, i have been ordered by his majesty the emperor to prep you for your ceremony, if you’d please open the door, I’ll begin my duties.”

Toda didn’t try fighting with him, he understood that any and every demand of the emperor must be met, he ushered Oliver in, “Good morning master Toda.” Accompanying Oliver in were four maids, Oliver walked up to the curtains, opened them allowing ventilation, the maids walked over to Toda and stripped him naked, he fought them but he wasn’t heard, the maidens seemed like they were thoroughly trained, they then gave him a bath, after the bath he had hands, feet and hair treatment, he was then given a thorough massage, Oliver brought out his uniform, it was custom made for nobility and his had the crest of barony, unlike the other clothes Toda wore, these set were different, they had something to them and Toda couldn’t fathom what it
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