Infiltrating Huang Hei's Mansion

“Boss Hei is on the other side of this room. This is as far as I can lead you.”

After the gate guard led Wushu Shengli to a door that led to where Boss Hei was currently, he left Wushu Shengli of his own accord.

Even the gate guard didn’t know that he had mistaken Wushu Shengli for the cultivator that his boss had hired. After all, Wushu Shengli’s cultivation base was that high.

Even the powerhouses of second-rate clans rarely had a Soul Incarnation realm cultivator as their guardian. Only first-rate clans had Soul Incarnation realm cultivators and Virtuoso Realm cultivators as their powerhouses.

Above the first-rate clans were the 8 ancient clans. Although they mostly live in seclusion, their descendants mostly roam the secular world for experience.

Even if Wushu Shengli was from the Wushu Clan, he only had a few connections with them since he wasn’t favored by his father and his clan members due to his trash talent in cultivation.

But Shengli no longer cared about that for two reaso
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