It still remains a wonder how everything in the universe is connected into a motion of evolution, though with different end outcomes. The Sun despite being the hottest star in the solar system, exudes the solar energy that sustains life in the planets as they orbit around it. It was truly a sight to behold staring at the solar plane that I've created in the Extended reality just by my thought.

Nonetheless, seeing that no announcement arrived from the AI however, I figured that there was more to be done to complete this test phase so I roamed about the space of the extended reality, looking for any other task that seemed obvious enough to do so as to end this test phase. I didn't know how much time had passed outside but I reckon it couldn't be more than few hours at most.

'Are there any lives in other galaxies, just as ours?' I pondered to myself in contempt. It was only plausible that since life exists in the Milky way, there should be life in other galaxies as well. Even though no
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