First match: MJ's time to shine
|Ladies and gentlemen, every one of the members are presently prepared for the shooting occasion, so I will rapidly make sense of the guidelines. Every individual has been given a limited measure of arrows to be utilized for their weapons. There is a wellbeing time of brief where members won't be permitted to go after one another and should enter the little stopgap town.

In the event that a member doesn't observe this guideline and decides to assault, they will be precluded.

The point is to hit others while not being hit yourself. Assuming any piece of paint contacts the red checking on the members' chests, a sound will demonstrate that they have been disposed of from the round. Understudies should rapidly leave the field, and the red chest piece will become dark, it is at this point not dynamic to show them.

Since the guidelines have been completely made sense of, how about we start the ball rolling!|

Wherever turned out to be calm as the refs called the names of the classes that woul
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