Chapter 68

Chapter 68

It was obvious to Vanya that the egg was performing some kind of distillation of the fire essence that had been extracted from the lava, and she was taking little chunks of it. Vanya was able to tell this based on the fact that the egg was taking the chunks.

Because of this, she had a thought pop into her head.

Before continuing, Vanya took the egg in her hands and delicately lifted it up before sitting down on the rock and placing it on her lap. After that, she continued the process of stealing whatever essence she could from it and merging it into herself by proceeding with the process.

She continued in this fashion for what seemed like several minutes without being stopped or diverted in any way.

In spite of this, as time went on, the lava became increasingly bubbling and gurgling, and a hissing sound could be heard reverberating in the pool of molten rocks and fire that had formed.

After quickly standing to her feet, Vanya replaced the egg back on the rock in the same s
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