Docile Kitten

When Jade takes a look at its source, his eyes widen. It's not hard to find a 10 feet long demonic Chiroptera ahead of a kid dealing with it alone. When he turned his head hastily in Iannae's direction she was at the mid way to reach the kid. Jade also follows her.

Gummy is pouting while looking around from the roof terrace gallery of the palace. It's the highest place she could ever find although on the way she struggles too much but it's worth it to get a view like this but why is she here?It's all thanks to Iris' scolding a while ago that she is unable to forget unless she has shouted from here .It was such a useless incident that occurred just forty five minutes ago when she handed over the documents to Iris as per Iannae's instructions. Iris asks "Do you really need to bend all the time while dragging the documents out?".

"Pardon? Well yes," Gummy paused a little and then replies "It's the only way to take them out. Is anything wrong with that"

"Yes to the point that I saw the
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