Shadow's Escape

"Someone must have informed Ban about our coming. What's up with Shadow? Did he make it?" Don Black ranted when him and his cohorts all retired back to his house for a meeting.

At 2AM, deep in the night, Greg Chase and his fang looked pale after facing a horrible nightmare at Mr. Ban's house.

All of them stared into thin air as they pondered about what had just happened to them.

"Any leads? Someone must have let the cat out of the bag and caused us this huge defeat," Don Black said again, looking at his comrades expectantly.

There was silence in the room.

"Mr. Chase, your exerts were supposed to join us in this attempt, why didn't they show up?" Bane asked Greg Chase with a hoarse and tired voice.

"It was too sudden, they said they couldn't just jump in to it like that. That's not the way they work," Greg Chase replied.

"I said it earlier, Greg! I told you already, that this was happening too fast..." Don Black was saying this when Greg Chase interrupted him.

"Yes, but us it not
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