Episode 29



Xavier had something over Simmonshead, so despite the fact that he loathed Xavier, he dared not confront Xavier head-on.

He could speak to Verity, and expose his treachery, and that would mean being publicly defamed.

"My track record for managing teams is on par with others on the list, and I consistently perform among the top senior managers. Vice President Xavier, are you still angry with me for what transpired previously? And if you are, I would appreciate your sharing that emotion, and understanding, with me. And yes, if you do have anger towards me, I would also appreciate knowing that, because I can't help but think you're doing this out of anger"

Simmons appeared to be a little unhappy.

Xavier giggled while lowering his eyes. "No, I don't bear a grudge against you, but I do recall that before to this, you weren't interested in working with J&K. I just worry that it may hinder our ability to work together."

"I'll follow the company's decision, as you
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