The New CEO , A grand party!

2 pm!

Ken smiled when he saw the limo pulling toward his apartment. He had been waiting outside for about ten minutes. Jane promised to show up by 2 pm so they'll hit the airport. Their flight was scheduled for 3 pm that evening.

Jane stepped out of the vehicle clinging to a brown leather handbag. It was a large bag that contained some spare clothes and other items. Since Cassie's reception was scheduled for 6 pm that evening, it was evident that they were going to spend the night in a hotel so Jane came with luggage.

Ken walked up to Jane and took the bag away from her. "I thought you wouldn't show up."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh come on Ken, you know I wouldn't do such a thing."

He smiled and led her into the house. They crashed on the twin couch in the living room.

"I'm so happy for Cassie," said Jane.

Ken turned to Jane. "You don't know how excited I am for her babe. She has been looking forward to this day and I can't wait to see the excitement on her face. I
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