Chapter 93

Ayla’s POV

“Get her out, now.”

Shuffling feet approaching got my eyes opened again. I had barely slept, maybe just dozed off a bit. A man towered over me, looking straight in the eye before leaning down to pull me up.

“What are you doing?” I struggled against his sinew arms on mine “Let go.” He suddenly let go and I fell to the bed with a thud.

“Get up and get out.”

“What is this? Who are you anyway?” I glared at the ma from before that instructed me to eat and then leave. Was he the one who saved me from Pablo? Why then was he acting so strange?

“Get her out then.” He turned to leave as he ordered the same man again.

“Wait.” I got down hastily from the bed, my feet almost tangled in the sheets before reaching him.

“Do on touch, talk from a distance.” His voice was ice cold and I wondered why he saved me when he was just going to be so rude and throw me out again.

“Who are you?”

“What sort of a ridiculous question is that? After latching so tightly to me, I expect you would
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