Out Of Expectation

In a room that smells good, has a wider area than an ordinary person's house, with beautiful designs in every corner of the room, Duke Kinston's chosen room is really no joke. Alexander feels very grateful to him, because that way, he could rest Azura who he thought is sick with the best service.

Now, both of them are no longer in a crowded place, or you can say the opposite of the word crowded.

Inside the luxurious room, there are only Alexander and Azura who are still in his lap. The two of them have just entered, while Duke Kinston has left him alone and returned to the party he is having.

The party can still be said to be a start. There are several events that will be held, before arriving at the main event of the party, namely the engagement.

"Hey, actually I'm not sick you know..." Azura says in a low voice, still adjusting to her previous nervousness. She said it after tugging at Alexander's chest to get his attention, before he lays her down on the bed.

"Don't lie, Azura. I'm
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