23. The Forest Of Emotions

“How did you get here?“ I ask.

Reid steps on the broken stump so he towers over me. He takes a deep breath as he looks around. There's nothing to see other than the trees and i doubt this place smelled like anything other than wet trees and pollen.

“I'm not actually here. I've been in your head once. It's not hard to do it again”

Shit! I let my mental guard down. How powerful must he be to be able reach me all the way on another chamber? I step back from him and run my hand through my hair. Just when i thought i could escape from them, he can get into my head.

“What do you want?“ I ask him blankly. If he's here to convince me to change my plans then he might as well be talking to himself.

“I'm actually here to tell you that you're doing the right thing” He huffs and sits down on the tree stump, propping up an arm on a raised knee. His blue eyes study me with keen interest, spotting a million silent faults and for a split second i see pity in them. I lower my head bu
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