Chapter 236: A spirit world 35

"Exactly! So if you can't solve them, why bother about them? Yet, before you lies a problem that deserves you immediate attention which you can or at least try solving. But you are too concerned with the rabbits in the wild to realize that you should first deal with the one on your plate." Priestess Ada adviced.

She smiled and walked away, "Don't forget, listen as a passerby and it will flow naturally."

Madeline watched the back of the old lady leaving as the words she had just spoken played again and again in her head.

She sat crossed leg once more as she continually told herself to let go. Her eyes closed tightly and suddenly the thoughts as expected came once more.

This time around, she decided not to quiet it or silence it. Rather she let it flow naturally.

At first she couldn't help but be swept up in the thoughts and the different scenarios they played.

Some even ended in tragedy. And this made her ache in worry. This was a disadvantage of over active thinks. A disadvantage t
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