Chapter two hundred and sixteen

***Diana's pov***

I was expecting him to call or beg me he didn't. Guess he was selfish after all. I heard a knock on my door and I ran to the door thinking it might be him. I opened it and it was Gabriel. I hissed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh! I'm sure you weren't expecting me. You were expecting Mr Roberto." He mocked and I sat down.

"Don't talk about him here." I grabbed the newspaper sitting on my center table,crossed my legs and began to explore.

"Better come back to the office before he employs someone new." He said and I eyed him.

"Are you okay? Like are you in your right senses? I quit! I won't work for someone who doesn't value me." I said and he sighed.

"Don't you understand him? It's never easy for him and people like you just make things difficult for him. Ever since you told me you were in love with him,you changed. This is not you at all. This is not the Diana I know. All you want is for him to love you back. You are the selfish one here." He said and stood u
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