Chapter 84

The awakeners stepped away while the glitchy ones came after them.

"Enough already." The impatient one said and they paused.

"We can't fight back."

"More for us." Martha said with brown tails. Maya held up gallons of river water by her side.

"It's those little demons again."

"We just met."

They flinched while the water drilled past them to the polymorphs. The awakeners fought back and a guy conjured pieces of metal and turned the sharp edges firing into several of them.

"Don't let them touch you." Maya said.

"Screw this!" He conjured destructive power and they went out of him like razor-sharp rings. Beheading others.


Maks detected the hunks of flesh moving amidst the crowd splitting, he witnessed two of them replicate a melee fighter and he shot at them before they shuffled, they roared and slid on the grass smoking up to nothingness. He nocked two arrows and shot at the gooey creatures. He found a blind spot where the girls used to sit.


He paused when he saw a co
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