Chapter 195. Coronation day.

In the city of Mayca, at the house of Byron Haas, the message which Sebastian had sent by means of his raven bird got to the soldiers at the gate, and they took it out from the bird, letting it fly back to its city.

They knew that every message that came to them by that means and pattern was for lord Byron Haas so they did not bother checking it to confirm who it was for before sending it to Byron, who was still making arrangements for the next day's event.

"My lord, there is a message for you." The guard said as he came before Byron.

Then she turned and looked at the soldier before asking, "Who is it from?"

"Lord Sebastian of Gilroy."

Then he took the note from his hand to read its contents only to see the inscription that it was not for him, rather it was for Gabriel. So he said to the soldier that had brought. "Take this to Gabriel, he is the one it's for and not me."

Then he took it as he confirmed whether it was for Gabriel, before apologizing. "I'm sorry my lord, I thought it
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