XLIII. Prince Meets Alunsina's Descendant

"Congratulations, your highness!"

"Waaah, her highness is so lucky! I wish I'll find my other half soon too."

"Her soon-to-be husband is quite good-looking. They are a good match!"

The words of praises from the crowd could hardly be recognized. They all speak at the same time and with loud voices too. It's not surprising for their princess not to understand them. Even so, she still acts professionally. She still smiles at them and even waves her hand at times.

Without them noticing, his highness Prince Ling, Yang, Master Lian, and Aloisa got swept off their feet. And before they realize it, they are pushed by the flow of the crowd in the main entrance of a huge castle.

It must be the royal palace of this kingdom.

Just like the Northern Lands, the Air Kingdom has some greeneries too. They even have trees and little parks in their public areas. It's not as green as the Earth Kingdom though. The Earth Kingdom looks like a huge garden while this kingdom looks very civi
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