EPISODE 145 - The Changes that Occur

On top of a tall and flat building, there was a man who had blonde hair, and brown eyes and wore a clear white robe that extended from his shoulders to his legs. He wore a necklace shaped like a diamond with a star in the middle, and in the middle of that star was an eye, made of metal. He kept watch over the city below.

"Such beautiful scenery…" he uttered.

A man in a thick cream and brown robe approached him, who also wore the same necklace whispered into his ear.

"Mhm… Mhm… What? Wait, what? Could you repeat that again? You can speak up, we are the only ones here," he permitted.

The man took a few steps back and cleared his throat.

"Ehem… I have received leaks from the mouths of the Alganists. According to what I have heard, they declared that Spellmaster was dead and that they were cheering because they were on their way to conquering the minds of the people."

"Wh-What is the meaning of this?! Spellmaster… is dead? Is that information accurate?"

"It has been confirmed by two such
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