Epilogue (1)

Edvard stirred, his entire body afire. Grimacing, the previous events slowly came back to him. ‘So, I survived…’

“Careful now.” Abigail instructed, bringing a cup to his mouth and having him take a few small sips.

The herbal tea helped soothe the blazing fire in his throat, sadly it did little for the rest of the flames. Trying to force out any words caused his chest to explode in pain, so he remained quiet. Taking sips as Abigail offered them.

“I can’t believe how reckless you were.” Abigail said, Edvard noticing that they were in the shade of some tree. The gentle sound of a stream was barely audible. “I really thought you were going to die on me when you didn’t stir for two days.”

Unable to form any words, Edvard simply held his peace. Listening as Abigail detailed what had happened after he had lost consciousness. Atop the horse, she had rushed with him along the main road, heading deeper into the kingdom. Stopping long after night had arrived.

That night, she had cleaned most of
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