Chapter 6: The First Plan

It was the year 2007.

John Percy read the date inside his phone. His phone was a keypad type, the exact phone he had with him since he was in high school.

He just couldn't believe what he was seeing. He simultaneously moved his head toward the mirror and back to his phone.

He even slapped his cheeks hard.

"Aw!" he groaned in pain after realizing that everything was real. "Fuck!" he shouted.

"Hey, watch your mouth!" a man's voice interrupted from outside. It was Henry, the janitor inside Lawrence High. It was Henry's routine to reprimand students for foul behaviors.

John Percy bit his lower lip. "Sorry!" he shouted. "Fuck!" he hissed, making sure he would only hear his own cursing.

Suddenly, that woman's voice interrupted his mind.

"Everything you'll see is just a part of your memories. You may interact with the people there but that won't change anything in reality..." Hyalou said.

"So, this means, I'm just inside my memories?" he asked himself.

No matter what the situation was to him
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