Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Charlotte spiraled further trying to understand what is happening, right next to her was Avon laid on the floor still deep in unconsciousness while her fisted hands around his collar kept slamming on him to bring him back.

Thoughts on what happened, navigating to her daughter’s disappearance or something happening to her defined in her mind as she kept on trying to wake him up.

“Avon wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” Charlotte kept slapping on him till she heard a grunt, not until then did she halted the action.

Waiting some seconds before tapping on his smooth cheek again.

Avon groaned, feeling a sense of blurriness in his head. A pang of pain hit him from his feelings coming from all over his face.

He blended into his environment, arching his spine after sitting up with one hand rested behind his back on the floor.

His lashes flapped weakly gaining steadiness to look at the woman knelt on the floor closely beside him.

He stared plainly, trying to understand what is going
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