Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Oscar left the office, going in search for his daughter so they can talk more on what she just revealed to him that is wrong with her.

The previously unknown information which was recently revealed to him stomp massively on his mental state.

It was too sudden and unexpected, how could that be happening to his beautiful little girl. Why would that be happening to his beautiful princess.

No matter how much he tried pushing the tears back in, the urge heightened as he could feel the liquid brimming under his eyes, before he could push them back they push freely down his eyes.

Falling down his cheeks leaving a muddled impact. Oscar dragged his steps heavily, trailing in a languid motion and moving his feet skittishly. He stopped as he leaned upon the wall, slowly his body slid downward, till he could feel his butt touching the ground with his knees curled.

Oscar sat on the ground, placing his head in between his knees as he met more tears while reminiscing on the tragic n
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