Chapter 114
Kenneth parked the car right in front of the office. He took out his tablet, then checked the news about him written in the article. He smiled happily after being satisfied with the result.

After that, Kenneth got out of the car and entered his room with a cheerful face. However, his expression changed when he saw a red box lying on his desk. His mood instantly changed.

“Hey! Who put this box carelessly? I should kick those careless employees too!”

An annoyed Kenneth kicked the box so it fell to the floor. The red box toppled over, knocking the lid open. When he took a closer look at the box, his eyes widened with a scream.


His screams reached outside the room. He covered his mouth in shock. Red liquid poured out of the box. The last thing that came out was two eyeballs rolling toward him.

“Bodyguards!” called Kenneth in a loud voice.

The bodyguard immediately opened the door wide, while the employees who were working stopped their activities. They stared curiously at the Bo
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