51. The Situation Outside the Tower
30th floor.

"Are the preparations complete?" Heith said while looking out of the Einstein residence.

"There isn't much we can do, the outside world really is unlivable" George said.

Their eyes drifted towards the chaotic situation outside the Einstein residence. Hundreds of adventurers used to gather at the front.

It was all caused by the chaos outside the tower. On the new full moon night, a strange phenomenon occurred. The entire surface outside the tower froze and gave the humans outside the tower a hard time.

Most of humanity died due to several reasons, some died because the temperature was too low, and some died because of a lack of food supply.

Some people call it the apocalypse or the end of the world and some others think it's just an ordinary rare phenomenon.

But for the people outside the tower it was a disaster of desolation, the food supply ran out and the water froze making it difficult for them to live.

Because of that, currently the tenth floor and below were filled wit
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