chapter 3

“Hello brother.” Greets the appealing multimillionaire as he steps into the Wilson firm boardroom.

When they realize it’s him, all the Wilson company’s board members look at him, surprised.

“What on earth is he doing here? Tracy: Who allowed him in?” The haughty CEO, who is also shocked, shouts now as he stands next to his expensive chair.

His eyes are wide open, and his mouth is twitching in a frustrated manner.

His half brother strolling into his office while he was expecting someone else, clearly irritated him and his brother can see it.

However, as if he expected the reaction, the Multi millionaire slightly flushes his attractive smile.

“Oh, brother, don’t yell at the poor girl; you’re the one who told her to let me in.” He states loudly and confidently.

as if he’s hit a nerve, Trevor yells once more

“Is this some kind of joke? Tracy!” He screams as he rushes towards his receptionist and his brother.

Tracy can see her employer is upset, and she knows that while this isn’t her fault, it will get her in trouble, so she hastily tries to explain.

“I apologize, Mr. Trump, but your brother stated that Mr. BROWN sent him.”

Trevor laughs when he hears that.

“So you work for Mr. Brown. He ordered you to destroy me so you and him could steal my company!” He pauses and laughs once more. “I should have known better.” He ends his sentence by staring at his brother, who responds instantly with a smile.

“Correction, my father’s company.” He keeps his beautiful eyes on his brother, who has an angry expression on his face.

“You mean our deceased father, who, let’s not forget; left everything to me?”

Trevor yells again, forcing His brother to laugh.

“We’re both aware that he was never your dad. That’s why you’re upset; it’s sad that you’re upset with me because I had nothing to do with it.” the multi millionaire says.

Trevor is reminded of why he dislikes Elijah.

“You and your mother snatched him from me and mine. It was just unfortunate that you failed to have him remove us from his will, which was a significant mistake. You and your foolish Mr. Brown can never get this company that you seek.”

Trevor’s father divorced his mother and left her for Elijah’s mother when Trevor was only five years old. As a result, Trevor grew up admiring his brother receiving his father’s love from afar, which, predictably, fueled Trevor’s anger for his father and, sadly, his half brother, who knew nothing.

Trevor despised Elijah and his mother for his father’s abandonment and promised to make them pay one day, which he did when their father died by coming to collect everything from Elijah.

He made a pledge to make Elijah suffer in poverty and with no one in his life, as Trevor had. Hence, It gave him great pleasure to see Elijah descend into misery and become the city’s laughingstock.

Thus, he still cannot accept that his plan to make Elijah suffer indefinitely may have failed and Elijah may have dusted himself off and become a multimillionaire again.

When he hears his brother’s accusations, the reappeared multimillionaire half-laughs.

“Correction, Mr. Brown works for me.” Surprising Trevor, he continues. Trevor wonders how could Mr. Brown, whom he knows as a wealthy entrepreneur, work for a broke drinker like Elijah, if Elijah is still a drunkard, as he believes.

However, Even with that idea, Trevor still wouldn’t accept that his half brother, whom he despises, could be a resurrected millionaire. He doesn’t understand how that could be, since he’s pretty sure he stole everything from him.

“What do you have to offer an entrepreneur like Mr. Brown?” Trevor laughs.

The multimillionaire looks at his half brother for a moment before pulling out what appears to be a checkbook from his jacket pocket.

“Everything. Like I’m offering you right now if you agree to let me invest in and partner with our father’s company.”

He says this as he hands Trevor a three-million-dollar check.

Trevor looks at it, astonished, before turning to Elijah and returning to the check.

The cheque bears Elijah’s name and signature. He rapidly learns that it is true: his half brother is a multimillionaire once more, and he will buy their father’s company for even more money than they negotiated with Mr. Brown.

This realization takes aback Trevor, but even with that, his ego can never allow him to agree to anything from Elijah, whom he only wants to see suffer.

“Never!” He yells, flinging the check in Elijah’s face, surprising his board members, who are always hushed like ghosts.

They all stare at him but say nothing.

“So let us all sit back and watch our father’s largest firm crumble. And I know what you’re thinking: “I’ll find another investor,” which wouldn’t be a bad idea, except that given your recent track record, no one will want to work with you."

the multimillionaire adds, before taking his cheque on the floor and walking out of Trevor’s office with a smile.

Trevor was left to yell angrily.

“No!!!!” He yells, striking the table in his board office.

“Mr. Trump, as much as I hate to acknowledge it, your brother is correct in his claims against you. We won’t be able to recruit another investor, which could cost us our business...”

“I will never work with Elijah!” Trevor yells again before violently marching out on his board members, who are left whispering to themselves things they couldn’t express in Trevor’s presence.

The multi millionaire leaves his brother’s office satisfied with himself. His plan seems to work well. Trevor is now startled and nothing gives him pleasure than that realization.

The second he steps outside and joins his two bodyguards, his cell phone rings and he looks at the caller ID Jacob and answers

“The plan is going well. I think we have Trevor exactly where we want him.” He announces with a smile.

“Good. Now let the war begin.” Answers a voice on the other line.

Meanwhile, the multimillionaire is delighted to have his half brother where he wants him; his half brother is quickly discovered that he may have underestimated him and that everyone was right, he should have been worried from the start.

Trevor is beginning to panic; he can’t believe this is happening to him. How could Mr. Brown worked for his idiotic half brother since, according to Trevor, Elijah had lost everything to him and could not afford to sabotage him? He doesn’t get it.

But what he knows is that he can’t let Elijah come after him like this; he needs to sort this out as soon as possible.

He rushes to his office and makes a quick phone call.

“I need your assistance, as it really appears that my brother has returned, and he is out for vengeance. I need you to look into him and figure out how he stopped drinking so quickly and became a millionaire in such a short amount of time.” He announces to the man on the other line of the phone.

“Noted.” Responds, whom sounds familiar with Trevor and seems to work for him.

When hearing that, Trevor doesn’t say much. He hangs up and yells his lungs out.

He feels so enraged and decides he can’t be in the office anymore, as result he returns home early.

The moment he steps outside his company building, he is surprised to see reporters waiting outside his company’s headquarters with questions.

“Mr. Trump, would you mind taking a few questions?” one reporter asks as she approaches Trevor.

But before Trevor could even respond, a few others shouted more questions.

“Can you comment on Elijah’s allegations against you?” yells one

“Did you ever try to murder him?” enquires another

Trevor is even more irritated. Trevor has experienced enough pain for the day; he can’t take any more. So he simply yells.

“No comment!.”

He shouts as he rushes to his car and drives off, hoping to get home and find some peace of mind, but unfortunately, the moment he walks into his house, he once again meets his number one enemy sitting by his couch with his stepdaughter, Layla Wilson, Leon and Elijah’s daughter.

When seeing that, Trevor immediately becomes enraged once more.

“What the hell are you doing in my house?” He asks in a frustrated manner.

Upon hearing that, His half brother turns to look at him and half chuckles as he sees the frown on Trevor’s face, which seems to please him like his former misery pleased Trevor.

He looks at him for a moment before finally answering

“I am sure you can answer that question by yourself. What else could I be doing? I am here to see my kids.”

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