Chapter Thirty: Outside world (part one)
The noise of feet pounding in the shallow pool of water on the empty street could be heard as several people hurried around the bend in the road.

The sky had long gone dark, and what reflected on their path was the lighting from various broken-down buildings around.

"Hurry, we have to lose them," a girl running in front of them voiced out. She wore black trousers and a white sleeveless top that held her chest region firmly from easily bouncing around.

Her red scarf flowed behind her as she led the group to safety.

"How much longer?" The boy beside her, dressed in blue jean trousers and a black turtleneck top breathed out in exhaustion.

He was carrying a black bag pack behind him to which he attached several wooden bats to it for protection.

"Not much," she answered. "Once we pass this street, we will completely lose them,"

They all increased their speed one after the other in their various clothing as they continued running from whatever seemed to be chasing them.

"Get ready,"

Hi y'all, sorry for the delay in update. Been brewing new and exciting chapters. Pls support me as best as you can, that will really help

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