chapter 10

"Shit! I lost track of them," he cursed furiously.

"Damn Andira, even though I really need information about her today because I've run out of money."

After being hit by the car many times, Andira is indeed a field of money for him. Today he had to find more details about Andira in order to sell the information to Gio. Unfortunately because of losing track, he had to bite the fingers today.

"Argh!!!!" he groaned angrily then started his car again aimlessly. Failed already he earns money on this sunny day without being too tired from work. Really, the information about his little friend was far more expensive than his salary working at the previous company.

But wait! The man's smile returned when he remembered something.

"Hmm, why am I so stupid, huh. I'm as complex as him, Gosh! You really have a stupid brain!"

The car owner turned the wheel to return to the complex. He was sure that some of his friends would know about the company owned by the Hartanto family.

The boutique is qu
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