45. A strange aura!



Gasps filled the entire hall followed by a succession of exclamations.




"Is it true?!"

"Oh my goodness!"

Everyone was surprised as it led to mutters, mumbles and indistinctly nervous chatters between people.

Elsa was also surprised, she looked at Felix and noticed he was acting quite suspicious, getting nervous by the minute and also relaxed.

An idea suddenly flashed her mind but she quickly dumped it as fast as possible. How can he be the one? Of course no, it even sounds unbelievable to hear.

"Woohoo!!" A sound evolved from the hall as the person stood up and started applauding Kimber Kim. Seeing the person's move, every other person snapped out of their chatters and stood up too in respect, applauding Kimber Kim for finding his son, even some people screamed in delight.

They were all happy and enthusiastic to hear the news of the return of the heir, but some of the enemies hidden amongst the stage were only giving off a very fake and forced
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