Chapter Sixty-two

He had gunned down one of the men that morning. When the remaining saw what had just happened, Detective Desmond armed himself; they both fled. Detective Desmond then called detective Daniel to inform

Him. That day was a hot sunny morning.

When detective Daniel received the call he wasted no time but left almost immediately for detective Desmond's flat. The ambulance had come to Carry the body away after detective Desmond called them.

“ I think it is better we just end this by going to the factory to capture them all.” Mr. James said in an angry tone when they got to the detective Desmond's apartment and saw blood oozing out from the skull of the man he had shot.

“You think so? Detective Daniel said.

This was the same thing Mr. James had said the first time before they caught Kelvin Brian and his men. Detective Daniel agreed to it and called the station for backups. Then he left detective Desmond's flat. He drove to the station alongside Mr James. The patrol cars were all set and wer
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