NC 11

Sebastian smiled to himself as he pulled up to the parking lot of the company. He was glad for the conversation he had with Ethan earlier. The man was a pain in the ass most of the time but he did help him get the perspective he needed.

Sebastian yelled as Ethan hovered over him so early in the morning. He was used to the man not being the morning type but Ethan was wide awake and staring directly into his eyes.

"Man, what the hell?!" Sebastian screamed out as he pushed Ethan away from his body. He reeked of alcohol making Sebastian worry about why he did not just pass out already. That was mostly what he did whenever he came back drunk.

"Don't you have where to go today?" Ethan was talking about him going out in search of a job but Sebastian knew better. There were no jobs available anywhere.

"Won't be going anywhere today," he said as he turned over to his side "there are no jobs in this godforsaken town. So I might as well just save myself from the stress of looking."

"So what do
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