
" Haruka is an unusual name" Rudi said while reading the resume that was on his desk.

As the largest archipelagic country, which consists of hundreds of ethnic groups, the archipelago certainly has a characteristic name for its inhabitants, it's just that the name Haruka can be said to be almost non-existent or not from the archipelago, so in this case Rudi has the assumption that Haruka must have ancestral blood from the country of the Sun.

"You have the blood of the sun country Haruka?" Rudi asked starting their interview.

"That's right sir, I have blood descended from the country of the Sun, this comes from my mother" Haruka answered back.

"Ok, I understand, next....." Rudi started asking about Haruka's professionalism, and found that it turned out that Haruka's professionalism was quite high through time, not to mention some additional skills, such as massaging and making coffee are extra skills that Haruka has.

This alone made Rudi feel very happy, because it can be said that Ha
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