106: Secrets unveil

Edwards journal kept changing every god-damn day. Eventually Corey had to give up on trying to figure out what was true and what wasn't. The only consistent thing was the man's moronic behavior in all of them. The first chapter changed just as much as the others. Corey's first day of school had arrived and he wasn't close to figuring out the truth of Edward Feldman.

Corey had been given his schedule, and found his way to the assembly line. Where the teachers had the students from each class lined out.

While they all stood in front to address them.

Their speech a had taken a good chunk of Corey's time but he was too excited to feel anything else. His toes wiggled in his shoes, he was trying so hard not to show his excitement. The other students all seemed plain and unmoved about being in the school. Even Yumiko and Pamela weren't so excited. The only person to mirror his kind of feeling was gogo. Who had turned her academy uniform into a pirate themed version.

Corey had complimented
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